Shrimp Welfare Project Partners with Thong Thuan Seafood and Young’s by Sofina

Humane Slaughter Initiative Commitment

Shrimp Welfare Project (SWP) is thrilled to announce a significant agreement with two major seafood companies, Thong Thuan Seafood and Young’s by Sofina, to improve the welfare of farmed shrimps. This agreement represents another major step forward to promote ethical shrimp farming practices.

Thong Thuan Seafood, a leading Vietnamese shrimp producer known for its innovative approach to aquaculture and for its high-quality shrimp hatcheries across Vietnam, has agreed to implement electrical stunning technology—provided by SWP via Optimar—into their production chain. This method is widely recognised as the most humane way to slaughter shrimps, significantly reducing stress and suffering. 

At the same time, Young's—a major UK seafood supplier with a strong commitment to sustainability and comprehensive CSR initiatives—has pledged to prioritise sourcing from Thong Thuan's electrically stunned shrimp stock. In fact, under Young’s Fish for Life initiative, they have already made significant strides in crustacean welfare. Beyond working to increase the percentage of shrimps that are electrically stunned, they also require all UK brown crabs and lobsters to be electrically stunned before slaughter.

Additionally, both companies have committed to maintaining high welfare standards throughout their operations, including optimal water quality, responsible feeding practices, and regular health monitoring. This holistic approach ensures that shrimp welfare is prioritised at every stage of production. SWP will provide ongoing support, including training, auditing, and assistance in developing comprehensive welfare practices. This collaborative effort sets a new benchmark for the industry and demonstrates that commercial viability and ethical practices can go hand in hand.


Setting a New Standard for Shrimp Welfare: A Tripartite Collaboration


Shrimp Welfare Project Partners with Taprobane Seafoods and Seafood Connection